Rehabilitation supports the recovery of motor and functional abilities, independence and health of patients as a result of various diseases, injuries or disabilities. In rehabilitation hospital “Serdika”, we aim to improve the movement necessary for their daily lifestyle, focusing on individual needs and characteristics. The specifically assigned rehabilitation program aims to return patients home in good health.
Rehabilitation can include medical, physical therapy, manual, psychological and social methods to improve the physical and mental condition, as well as the quality of life of the patient.
A key point in the admission and placement of patients in a rehabilitation hospital is the examination by a physiotherapist and a rehabilitator, which aims to specify drug therapy and appoint a rehabilitation plan tailored to individual needs and requirements. After carrying out constant monitoring of the patients and a visit by a clinical psychologist and a social worker, the “Serdika” team pays special attention to the condition and progress of each individual. Trusting the interdisciplinary approach in the treatment and rehabilitation of our patients, relatives and friends have the opportunity to go through difficult moments more calmly and so that they could cope with their daily engagements.
Specialized rehabilitation hospital “Serdika” has the most technologically equipped base, with several salons and rehabilitation areas, in which more than 25 specialists, trained according to international standards, make efforts for the recovery of our patients. At Serdika Rehabilitation Hospital, we provide expert complex rehabilitation.
The area for training in walking and learning how to walk ensures a variety of exercises using different equipment and techniques under supervision of a specialist. Here we rehabilitate patients with neurological and orthopedic disorders and our main goal is to achieve independent walking.
In the area for individual sessions we pay special attention to patients who need correction of residual deficit in the motor functions of the body. Carrying out floor physical therapy and mirror therapy with our patients, we intend to accomplish recovery of the their lost motor skills.
In the area for electrotherapy we treat conditions related with subacute / chronic pain and reduced muscle strength. We use the most advanced equipment for physical therapy. Electrotherapy can also be applied in the hospital rooms in accordance with patients’ needs. It is widely used together with kinesitherapy complex of exercises for almost each one of our patients.
The zone is used for patients in a more advanced stage of the recovery process. A training regimen aimed at quickly and effectively eliminating mobility aids is included. The patient receives training and professional guidance for independent work, in order to maintain the achieved results after discharge. For our immobile patients, we have ensured ways for rehabilitation in a wheelchair, using a device for dosed electrical movement of the limbs.
In these area under the surveillance of a therapist we work for strengthening and correction of abnormal posture and gait disturbance of patients. We count on specialised analytical, reflector and coordination exercises, extremely effective with conditions after stroke, spinal cord injuries, balance disorders, hip-joint and knee replacement therapy.